Father, you have appointed your Son Jesus Christ eternal High Priest. Guide those he has chosen to be ministers of word and sacrament and help them to be faithful in fulfilling the ministry they have received. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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Featuring a large selection of Catholic prayers and devotions, A Simple Prayer Book includes everything you need to learn how to pray, from basic prayers such as the Hail Mary, to Morning and Evening Prayers, and prayers for various needs and occasions. Essential Catholic prayers such as the Stations of the Cross and the Divine Mercy Chaplet are also featured.
Additionally, A Simple Prayer Book will guide you in the Catholic faith, with explanations on Catholic teaching, as well as instructing how to pray the rosary, how to go to Confession and how to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. The Order of Mass is also included, alongside the Act of Spiritual Communion if you can’t get to Mass, and prayers for before and after and Communion.
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