CTS Audio
CTS is now pleased to bring you CTS Audio, a collection of audio recordings of CTS publications.
Find out moreThe extraordinary life of a prelate of Opus Dei whose ministry was spent at the centre of some of the most momentous Church events of the twentieth century.
The extraordinary life of a man who went from being a successful engineer to the priesthood and a ministry spent at the centre of some of the most momentous Church events of the twentieth century. He was present at Vatican II as a theological expert and on the death of St Josemaría Escrivá became the prelate of Opus Dei. This audiobook, based on the book published by the Catholic Truth Society, reveals the wonderful example of faithfulness to the Church set by Bl Alvaro, which he combined with openness and humility.
Listen to this audiobook for free. Read by Luis Soto and produced in partnership with the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.
Also available as a physical book and an ebook here.
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Also available as a physical book and an ebook.
CTS is now pleased to bring you CTS Audio, a collection of audio recordings of CTS publications.
Find out moreA teenage martyr for chastity, Maria died following a sexual attack. Her story speaks powerfully of forgiving the unforgivable.
Find out moreThis refreshing account offers moving evidence of St. Josemaria Escriva’s prophetic contribution towards uncovering the fullness of the apostolate shared by all the baptised.
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