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Holy Mary and the Death of Sin


While the modern world denies that it is in need of salvation, Mary's sinlessness awakes us to the fact that perfection only comes from God. This Advent, as we await the coming of God who became man to destroy the power of sin, meditate on the final line of the Hail Mary, "Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."

What does the Catholic Church teach about assisted suicide?


The direct killing of a human being, even if he is terminally ill, is always against the Fifth Commandment (Ex 20:13): You shall not kill. That applies to my own life, too. Only God is the master of life and death. On the other hand, to support a dying person and supply him with all possible medical and human care so as to alleviate his sufferings is to practise love of neighbour and perform a work of mercy.