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How to pray when you’re busy


Does it ever feel like you're too busy to pray? Perhaps you have a demanding job or you've got studies keeping you busy. Whatever the reason, Fr Ed Broom offers some excellent advice to help you pray during those hectic times where prayer feels impossible.

Padre Pio Explains His Stigmata


When Padre Pio began receiving the stigmata, he attempted to hide it from the world. But his superiors realised what was happening and under obedience, he gave them this testimony.

Prayer for Priests


It is very important to pray for priests. Their ministry is so vital to the Church and so many souls are won or lost through their actions, that they are desirable prey for the devil. Pray for your parish priest and all priests regularly with this prayer.

Why did Jesus have to die?


Christians believe that Jesus gave his life for us by dying on the Cross, and then rose from the dead on the third day, in the glory of the Resurrection. His death brings forgiveness for sin. But why did he have to die?

Prayer to Jesus on the Cross


"You are going to die for love of me, and it is my wish also, my dearest Redeemer, to die for love of you." Pray to Jesus on the cross with this opening prayer from St Alphonsus Liguori's Stations of the Cross.

Who were the female English martyrs?


Of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, three women joined the thirty-seven men in bravely risking their lives for the Catholic faith during the Reformation. Sts Margaret Clitherow & Anne Line harboured priests – the former was pressed to death, the latter hanged at Tyburn. St Margaret Ward attempted to help a priest escape prison & was hanged at Tyburn. Read their inspiring stories in this blog.