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Padre Pio – Saint of the Day – 23rd September


Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ’s passion on his body and became famous for his ministry in the confessional, his spiritual direction and his miracles. In 1956 he opened the ‘Home to Relieve Suffering’ near his friary. Despite his popularity, he faced much opposition, even from Church authorities.

St Matthew the Apostle – Saint of the Day – 21st September


Jesus sees Matthew in the custom-house and says “Follow me”. Matthew responds immediately. He too has sins to be forgiven and he has, we can surmise, sat at his post mulling this over maybe for years. Was he awaiting the divine nudge? Later, a number of tax-gatherers join Jesus, and, presumably, Matthew, at dinner. Was Matthew’s sudden conversion such an attractive idea to them that they simply had to discover more?

Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions – Saint of the Day – 20th September


The first Korean to be ordained a priest was Andrew Kim Taegon. He was executed a year later, just as thousands of others were in the course of that century. 103 of them were officially declared martyrs for the faith. The Korean martyrs remind us that faith makes us strong and steadfast in love. They were radical in their choice for Jesus, and died cruel deaths as a consequence.