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How to Separate “Fake News” and Truth in Catholic News


When you read scandalous or controversial headlines about the Catholic Church, it can be discouraging. However, there is no need to abandon the news. In this extract from "Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith", veteran journalist Christopher R. Altieri explains how to separate the "fake news" from the truth.

The Saints & the Power of Mary’s Intercession


How can asking for Mary’s intercession bring us closer to Jesus? In this exclusive extract from our book Behold Your Mother, read the examples of the saints who sought Mary’s assistance and be inspired to ask for Mary’s help in your own life.

Did Jesus found the Catholic Church?


In the Gospel of St Matthew, Jesus said to St Peter: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18). Catholics believe that the Catholic bishops today are the successors of the Apostles, and that the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, is the successor of St Peter and that there is an unbroken continuity through history with the community that Jesus gathered around him two thousand years ago.

Who were Sts John Fisher and Thomas More?


These most famous of the Reformation martyrs were also the first to be canonised. St John Fisher was one of King Henry VIII's most admired bishops, until he became the only English bishop who refused to deny the legality of the King's first marriage. St Thomas More was a father of four who became Lord Chancellor of England, until he too refused the King's demand. Both were beheaded on Tower Hill.