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Litany of Hope


Are you searching for hope? Pray this Litany of Hope, part of the devotion to Our Lady of Silence, and bring your intentions to the Lord.

Why believe in the Christian God? Why not Zeus, Loki or Apollo?


What does it mean to profess belief in one God, as we do when we pray the Creed at Mass? Throughout history, humans have believed in different gods who were pleased by different actions. In this blog, James Matthew Wilson reflects on the first line of the Creed, "I believe in one God".

5 Reasons to Go to Mass on Sunday


It's easy to fall out of the practice of going to Mass or to wonder why it's necessary to go at all. Here you can discover five reasons why it's important to go to Mass, and why the Church requires all who are able to go to Mass every Sunday.

Cardinal Sarah: Modern Risks to the Catholic Priest’s Moral Integrity


The temptations and opportunities to fall into sin are many, perhaps more so in the past. In this blog, Cardinal Robert Sarah establishes four areas of contemporary life in which priests today may find themselves exposed to sin: Catholic education, the structure of one's day, disorderly use of the internet, and poor theological and doctrinal preparation.

What actually happens at Mass?


Have you ever wondered why the Mass is so important, or who invented the Mass? In this blog, find the truth of Catholic beliefs about what takes place at Mass and what the heart of the Mass actually means. An outline of the structure of the Mass is also given to help you understand the different parts of the Mass.