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7 Truths About Sex in the Catholic Church


What does the Catholic Church really teach about sex and why? Is it because the Church is old-fashioned and prudish? Find out the truth about sex and Catholicism in this blog, including why sex is considered something beautiful which requires a lifelong commitment.

How to take a step of faith


We are all invited to take a step of faith. To believe in a loving God, to believe in his Son Jesus, and to believe in the gift of his Holy Spirit to us. God invites us, but he doesn’t force our hand. So how do you freely take that step of faith?

When Mary Appeared in Walsingham


Back in 1061, an often-forgotten Marian apparition occurred in Walsingham, Norfolk. Today Walsingham is known as England's Nazareth and is a major pilgrimage site.

Caring for Creation with St Francis of Assisi


St Francis of Assisi saw God's splendour in people, animals, and nature alike. In everything he demonstrated a love for God's creation, even calling animals his sisters and brothers. Be inspired by Francis' example and his determination to show stewardship for creation and learn the importance of caring for creation in this blog.