Finding Healing in Forgiveness
Forgiving someone who has hurt us is a way of finding healing and peace, but does that mean that we have to forget the offence made against us? Does Jesus ask us to "forgive and forget"?
Forgiving someone who has hurt us is a way of finding healing and peace, but does that mean that we have to forget the offence made against us? Does Jesus ask us to "forgive and forget"?
St Hildegard of Bingen was a remarkable woman who had many skills. But above all, she was a woman of God and looking at her life we can find answers to some of today's most topical issues: feminism and gender theory.
Use this helpful tool to remember sins committed since your last confession.
Is ambition a worldly quality that Christians should reject? Discover how the life of St John the Baptist offers insight to Christians, revealing how ambition and Christian faith can be reconciled.
Pope Francis' catechesis on the Ten Commandments offers helpful guidance on how to live the Christian life. This blog focuses on the commandments not to covet your neighbour's wife and not to covet your neighbour's goods, the ninth and tenth commandments respectively.
How do you communicate the vitality and dedication of a saint? For medieval artists depicting St Dominic, their focus wasn't on his life but on a vision he received.