6 Key Points from The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community
The Parish Conversion of the Pastoral Community is a Vatican Document intended as a call to parish communities to evangelise and reform. Here are some of the key points of interest!
The Parish Conversion of the Pastoral Community is a Vatican Document intended as a call to parish communities to evangelise and reform. Here are some of the key points of interest!
Europe has six patron saints, each of whom has an incredible story of how they responded to God's call in their life, a call which had a significant impact on the Church. Discover their stories in this blog.
Of all those called by God to share in his holiness, to be consecrated to him through Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit, no one responds more fully than Mary, the mother of the consecrated one. Discover her example of consecrated life in this blog.
Since Jesus commissioned His disciples to proclaim the Good News to all nations, the approach to evangelisation and catechesis has been adapted and transformed. Today, we have unprecedented means of communicating with billions of people across the world at the touch of a button. Discover what proclamation and catechesis should look like in the digital era in this extract from the Directory for Catechesis.
A computer geek who dedicated his life to Jesus, Blessed Carlo Acutis died in 2006 at the age of 15, but has already been beatified by the Church! His life is an inspiration to anyone wanting to embrace the digital age for evangelisation and catechesis.
Pope Francis' prayer intention for July is that families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance.