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Catholic Prayers for Married Couples

Ask God to bless your marriage and your desire for children with these beautiful Catholic prayers for married couples.

Catholic Wedding

Prayer for spousal unity

O God, by your power you have made everything
out of nothing.
In the beginning you created the universe
and made us in your own likeness.
You gave man the constant help of woman
so that man and woman should no longer be two,
but one flesh, and you teach us that what you have
united may never be divided.
Lord Jesus, look with love upon us
in our life together as husband and wife.
We ask your blessing to live with each other
in peace and harmony.
May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses
and grow from each other’s strengths.

Help us to forgive one another’s failings
and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness
and the spirit of placing the wellbeing
of one another ahead of self.
May the love that brought us together grow
and mature with each passing year.
Bring us both ever closer to you
through our love for each other.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Gratitude and trust

We thank you, O God,
for the love you have implanted in our hearts.
May it always inspire us to be kind in our words,
considerate of feelings,
and concerned for each other’s needs and wishes.
Help us to be understanding and forgiving
of our human imperfection.
Increase our faith and trust in you
and may Your Prudence guide our life and love.
Bless our marriage, O God, with peace and happiness,
and make our love fruitful for your glory and our joy,
both here and in eternity.

Wedding anniversary

Lord, our God and Father,
in the beginning you created man and woman
to be united in the bond of marriage.
Bless and strengthen our love that our life together
may be an ever truer reflection of the union
between Christ and his Church.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer before making love

Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts.
Place within us love that truly gives,
tenderness that truly unites,
self-offering that tells the truth
and does not deceive,
forgiveness that truly receives,
loving physical union that welcomes.
Open our hearts to you, to each other
and to the goodness of your will.
Cover our poverty in the richness
of your mercy and forgiveness.
Clothe us in our true dignity
and take to yourself our shared aspirations,
for your glory, for ever and ever.
Mary, our Mother, intercede for us.

Prayer to have a child

God our Father, all parenthood comes from you.
Allow us to share in that power
which is yours alone,
and let us see in the child you send us a living sign
of your presence in our home.
Bless our love and make it fruitful
so that a new voice
may join ours in praise of you,
a new heart love you,
and a new life bear witness to you.

Teach us to love

Father, you called us to found this family together.
Give us the grace to animate it with your love:
may our family always comfort those who live in it
and welcome those who enter it.
Teach us to make progress in your sight
through our love for each other,
to do your will all the days of our life,
to submit our plans to you, to ask your help,
to offer you our joys and sorrows,
and to lead to you the children you give us.
Lord, you are Love; we thank you for our love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

BelovedThese prayers are extracted from our book Beloved – A Spiritual Companion for Couples. This essential spiritual companion for married and engaged couples features a collection of prayers, with themes and inspiration on matrimony and family life.

For more prayers for married and engaged couples, and for families, order your copy of Beloved – A Spiritual Companion for Couples today.