Welcome to CTS Publisher’s Desk, the podcast for Catholic readers where we discuss important Catholic issues with CTS authors. Scroll down for an episode list and don’t forget to subscribe to find out when new episodes become available! If you’d like to support us in our mission, including in creating new podcasts, you can make a donation here.
1. How to Attend the Extraordinary Form of the Mass – Special Guest: Dr Joseph Shaw
Click here to listen to this episode.
At the end of last year, the Bishops of England and Wales launched a special Year of the Word. In this episode, we talk to Fr Robert Taylerson about all things Scripture, including the importance of St Jerome, how to choose a translation of the Bible, how God speaks to us through Scripture today, Lectio Divina and more. Fr Robert Taylerson is a parish priest in Birmingham Archdiocese and a Lecturer in Spirituality at Maryvale Institute. Get a pack of Year of the Word: The God Who Speaks leaflets now.
3. What is the Ordinariate? – Special Guest: Fr James Bradley
Click here to listen to this episode.
We speak to Fr James Bradley, a priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, about the Ordinariate and what it means to be part, the difference between the Ordinariate and Anglicans who converted prior to Pope Benedict’s Anglicanorum Coetibus, how the Ordinariate preserves Anglican patrimony including in music, the gift of the vernacular in the liturgy, and the future of the Ordinariate.
CTS has been a great supporter of the Ordinariates and we have published all the liturgical books of the Ordinariate Use of the Roman Rite including the Divine Worship Missal, the Book of Occasional Services, and most recently the Book of Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying.
4. Catholics and our Common Home – Special Guest: Sr Margaret Atkins
Click here to listen to this episode.
As we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on caring for the environment Laudato Si, we talk to Sr Margaret Atkins, author of Catholics and Our Common Home, about Laudato Si, whether the Catholic Church is doing enough to care for the environment, how Catholics should feel about the impact of technology on the environment, and whether Laudato Si casts light on the COVID-19 crisis.
Get your copy of Laudato Si and Catholics and Our Common Home here.
5. Spreading the Gospel in the Modern World – Special Guest: Hannah Vaughan-Spruce
Click here to listen to this episode.
What does catechesis look like in our ever-changing world? We chat to Hannah Vaughan-Spruce, CTS author of “A Handbook for Catechists”, about the new Directory for Catechesis and the importance of the changes made since the last edition. What does catechesis look like in a digital culture? How can catechists facilitate an encounter with God? Why is it important to have catechists who have experienced the love of God in their lives? What is the role of parents, grandparents, and godparents in catechesis? We explore these questions and more!
Order your copy of the Directory for Catechesis here. Get A Handbook for Catechists here.
6. Why does the Directory for Catechesis matter today? – Special Guest: Dr Petroc Willey
Click here to listen to this episode.
What is the Directory for Catechesis and why does it matter for us today? Discover why this new Vatican Document is relevant to our modern culture and its particular value for catechists and schools in this interview with Dr Petroc Willey.
Dr Willey is one of the Consultors for the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation, which promulgated the new Directory. Order your copy of the Directory for Catechesis here. Dr Willehy also authored CTS’ A Year With the Catechism.
7. Helping Young People Discover the Catholic Faith – Special Guest Fr Michel Remery
Click here to listen to this episode.
How do you help young people discover the Catholic faith? Fr Michel Remery, who is responsible for Youth Ministry in Luxembourg, explains how to combine both the digital continent and the physical world to bring the Catholic faith alive for young people, while relating his own experiences of sharing his own enthusiasm for the faith with young people.
Fr Michel Remery is the author of the CTS book Online With Saints. Click here to order and find out more.
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