15% Off Catholic Summer Reads

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As you search for peace and rest this summer (and perhaps a break from all the politics of the General Election!), savour some time to properly catch up with the Lord and deepen your relationship with Him. Sit back with a nice cup of tea (or perhaps something stronger!) and a great Catholic read from our selection below!

Throughout July, enjoy 15% off* our six recommended short reads, to help you take time out with the Lord. Longer, bigger and of higher quality than our usual CTS booklets, these books are shorter than a normal book, making perfect stress-free summer reading.

So pick your favourite, or grab a few while they’re reduced (they’ll look great on your bookshelf!), and make the most of the (hopefully warm!) summer months!

(* Offer ends 31st July 2024 at 11.59 pm. We politely request that bookshops who regularly order through our website do not use this code on top of their existing discount. This code cannot be used in conjunction with any other promo code. Parish discount on these items is suspended for the duration of this offer. Offer not applicable to trade customers ordering through Norwich.)

Summer Short Reads

Enter the code SUMMER15 to get 15% off*

Behold Your Mother Peter Kahn

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Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith

Christopher R. Altieri

Reading the News Without Losing Your FaithIn the digital age, it is practically impossible to avoid lurid headlines or hot-off-the-press scandals. When these scandals involve the Church, it raises questions for many about what it means for people of faith.

Christopher R Altieri, a veteran journalist and Vatican expert, offers insight into how the news is made, how to spot clickbait and “fake news”, and how to discover the real stories behind the shocking headlines. Through a series of recollections from a career in covering the Vatican beat, he offers insight into how he can write about scandal and abuse – and how we can read about it – without losing faith in the promises of Christ.

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Behold Your Mother

Peter Kahn

When God provides our necessities through Mary’s hands, then we become more affectionate towards our spiritual mother, and our trust in God grows.”

What is it like to have a close relationship with Mary, the Mother of God? Our Lady is the spiritual mother of all Christians, but it is the saints who know her best.

This book tells stories about ways the saints encountered Our Lady, not necessarily through the miraculous, but rather as their spiritual mother in everyday life.

The saints’ experience shows us that any growth in our awareness of Mary’s presence and care for us deepens our relationship to Christ. It is their testimony that an ever-deepening relationship with the Mother of God is a path to sanctity.

Reflecting on the wisdom of the saints who so loved Our Lady shows that this path through Marian devotion to holiness is one open to all Christians. She is our mother and she seeks always to lead us to her beloved son, Jesus.

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John Bradburne Fr Gerard Skinner

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This is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival

Bishop Robert Barron

A recent Pew Forum survey revealed the startling statistic that 69% of US Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and the state of belief in the UK, as outlined by Professor Stephen Bullivant in the foreword to this UK edition, is not dissimilar.

This indicates a spiritual disaster in the Church, for the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” This Is My Body: A Call to Eucharistic Revival is designed to accompany renewal of devotion to Christ truly present in the Eucharist. In this brief but illuminating text, Bishop Barron offers a threefold analysis of the Eucharist as sacred meal, sacrifice, and Real Presence, helping readers to understand the sacrament of Jesus’s Body and Blood more thoroughly so that they might fall in love with him more completely.

Discover the profound truth flowing out of Jesus’s words at the Last Supper: “Take, eat; this is my body. . . . Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant.”

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John Bradburne

Fr Gerard Skinner

The life of John Bradburne reflects a struggle familiar to many people today: if you want to find God you need to search. Bradburne’s search, his life’s pilgrimage, took him from his birthplace in Cumbria through India, Malaya, and Burma during his soldiering years, and finally to Africa where he at last found God and his own sacred calling amongst the lepers in Mtemwa, Zimbabwe.

Led by a faith that he often expressed profoundly and poetically, John Bradburne followed the example of Christ, pouring himself out in love of the lepers he served, unwilling to abandon them even to save his own life as the violence of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence closed in around Mtemwa.

Remembered by those who knew him for his humility, simplicity, joy and friendliness, John Bradburne offers a striking example of authentic holiness in the modern, conflict-stricken world.

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7 Words on Marriage Fr Ivano Millico

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Praying the Nicene Creed

Praying the Nicene Creed James Matthew Wilson

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7 Words on Marriage

Fr Ivano Millico

Raphael. I take thee. Ring. Blessing. Nuptial bed. Cana. Sunem.

These are seven life-giving words on your marriage and to your marriage, as it is here and now, whether you took your vows decades ago, are newly-wed, or even still preparing for your wedding day. Drawing from the marriage vows, from stories of couples in Sacred Scripture, and from the practical and inspirational insights of Pope Francis and Pope St John Paul II, we can discover the faithful presence of our loving God in the life-journey of every married couple.

Every marriage is different, yet the same: joys and sorrows, blessings and failures.

These seven words reveal marriage as a sign of hope: an assurance that we can still have faith in marriage, the most beautiful thing God has created.

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Praying the Nicene Creed

James Matthew Wilson

Praying the Nicene CreedThe Nicene Creed is a succinct recitation of the core tenets of the Catholic Faith, opening with a declaration of belief in one God who made the heavens and the earth and concluding with sure hope for the resurrection of the body and eternal life with God. In between, the Creed articulates Catholic doctrine about the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Pascal Mystery, and the apostolic nature and sacramental life of the Church. Despite this richness, the Nicene Creed is a prayer many struggle to recite with the same depth of devotion as the other ancient prayers of the Church.

In this book, poet, critic and scholar James Matthew Wilson considers each line of the Nicene Creed in turn, showing through stories, images and recollections that, far from being a dry, clinical formulation of the Faith, this prayer describes the living theological reality that is at the heart of personal devotion.

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