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The Message of Bernadette: Lourdes and the Value of Suffering

The Christian response to suffering is one of the underlying messages from Our Lady's apparitions at Lourdes in 1858.

What is the point of suffering? Why would a good God allow it? The Christian response to these questions is one of the underlying messages from Our Lady’s apparitions at Lourdes in 1858, not least through the life of Bernadette Soubirous, the seer of Lourdes, who endured so much suffering in her short life.

This audiobook, adapted from the classic text by Mgr Vernon Johnson which itself was updated by Donal Foley, will encourage you to meditate deeply on the cross and the meaning and value of illness and suffering.

Listen to this audiobook for free. Read by Pierpaolo Finaldi.

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Message of Bernadette Donal Anthony Foley, Mgr Vernon Johnson

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