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20. Is there a spiritual cost to social media?

What are the hidden spiritual dangers lurking in our social media? In this thought-provoking episode of Into the Truth, Pierpaolo Finaldi and Fr Toby Lees OP, Director of ‪@radiomariaengland7369‬ dive into the ancient sin of acedia – restlessness – and how it’s resurfacing in today’s digital landscape. Fr Toby exposes the ways the attention economy hijacks our focus, leading to distraction, “brain rot,” and a loss of deeper meaning.

Discover powerful strategies to reclaim your attention, foster authentic connections, and find joy beyond the scroll. If you’ve ever felt spiritually drained by endless online content, this conversation is your guide to digital liberation.

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👋 Meet this Week’s Guest

Five Things You Need to Know About Fr Toby Lees OP:

  1. Who is Fr Toby Lees OP?
    He is a Dominican priest and the assistant parish priest at Our Lady of the Rosary and St Dominic’s in London, as well as the Director of Radio Maria England.
  2. First Prayer:
    His first genuine moment of prayer was when he was eight or nine and his hamster went missing. He told God that if He made Holly the hamster come back, he would be good.
  3. Turning Point:
    A pivotal moment in his life was when a friend suggested they attend daily mass before their GCSE exams, which sparked Fr Toby’s habit of regular Mass attendance.
  4. Vocation to the Priesthood:
    After university and working as a lawyer, he felt a growing restlessness and sense of being called to something more, which led him to explore religious life and eventually join the Dominicans.
  5. Studying Acedia:
    His interest in the concept of acedia, a spiritual affliction also known as the “noonday demon,” emerged before he entered the order and became a focus of his theological studies.

🥱 What is Acedia?

Acedia is the name for a spiritual illness, according to early Christian monastics such as Evagrius of Pontus, characterised by listlessness and resistance to spiritual growth. It is rooted in the avoidance of mortality, struggles in relationships, and is exacerbated by modern distractions such as the “attention economy.”

Acedia often manifests itself as restlessness, aversion to work, and excessive concern for comfort, leading to depression and an inability to concentrate. Overcoming acedia requires intentionality, prayer, community, and the reduction of distractions, recognising it as a spiritual battle that requires God’s grace.

It is possible to regain spiritual and relational health through awareness and proactive efforts.

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