Living Your Vocation
To have a vocation is to be called or summoned to some definite goal. This means that everyone has a vocation because everyone is summoned to share in the perfect happiness of God in heaven. At this most fundamental level, we all have the same vocation.
Included within God’s most fundamental call to share his life in heaven we find a myriad of intermediate calls to love God and neighbour in this life. It is in this secondary sense of a call to intermediate goals that our vocations are different, because in this life God summons us to love in different ways.
There are many different kinds of vocation, but all, at heart, are an invitation from God to attain some definite end or goal, and by these acts of charity we come to the ultimate end of our life, which is the perfect love and happiness of the vision of God in heaven.
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Living Your Vocation
Marriage & Family Life
And Spirituality for Men