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There is a sense that the parish priest, as a limb of the bishop, is called to represent Christ in a more holistic way than a non-ordained consecrated person. Where the religious brother or sister re-presents particular aspects of Jesus’s life and ministry, the parish priest when acting in Christ’s person re-presents the whole Christ, and this wholeness spills out into his entire ministry. A parish priest must, as St Paul puts it, be all things to all men and women in order to win some of them for Christ (see 1 Co 9:22). The parish priest has the responsibility to care for his flock, whoever they may be and, to a certain extent, whatever they may throw at him. His task is to preach, sanctify and govern under the authority of the bishop in whose ministry he participates.

Priesthood & the Priestly Ministry


Homiletic Directory Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

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Compendium on the Eucharist United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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Saintly Priests

Padre Pio

Padre Pio Jim Gallagher

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Louis Marie de Montfort

Louis Marie de Montfort (ebook) Rev Paul Allerton SMM

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St Norbert: The Apostle of Peace Abbot Martin Geudens

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Edmund Arrowsmith

Edmund Arrowsmith Fr John S. Hogan

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Fr Damien & Where All Roads Lead

Fr Damien & Where All Roads Lead G K Chesterton, Robert Louis Stevenson

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Living Your Vocation