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Directory on the Canonical Status of the Clergy

Bishops' Conference of Scotland


This Directory is a manual summarising the rights and obligations of the clergy under Canon Law to assist them in understanding the juridical implications of the relationship between priests, deacons and their bishops

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CTS Product Code: DO808Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , , Tag: ISBN: 9781860825767
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From the earliest times, the life and ministry of priests and deacons, under the guidance and leadership of the bishops, has been central to the mission of the Church. The relationship between priests and deacons and their bishops is a unique one, which cannot be fully comprehended in solely juridical terms.

To assist the clergy in understanding the juridical implications of this relationship, the aim of this Directory is to set out in a systematic way the rights and obligations of the clergy, found principally within the part of the 1983 Code of Canon Law concerned with the People of God, together with those procedures which are necessary to maintain discipline and for the just resolution of disputes. An essential reference work for all those in Holy Orders.

Product details

Weight 0.160 kg
Dimensions 129 × 180 mm

Subtitle Rights, Obligations and Procedures
Product Format Paperback
Pages 96
Publication Date 2009-01-01