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Encyclicals of Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI


Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi and Caritas In Veritate brought together into a single volume. Taken together, they form a treasury of papal teaching which every Catholic should have access to.


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Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi and Caritas In Veritate brought together into a single volume. During his eight-year papacy, Pope Benedict XVI taught the Church and the world, using every opportunity to be, as one famous papal title calls the Holy Father, the “Servant of the servants of God”. This he did by proposing Christ and his Church to the world ceaselessly and most prominently in his three encyclicals.

The first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est – God is Love – dealt with the most fundamental calling of every Christian: that of love. Two years later in 2007 came Spe Salvi (Saved by Hope) in which the Holy Father presented man’s true hope as not technology or ideologies but God, who loved us to the end.

Finally there was Caritas in Veritate – Love in Truth – where the Pope addressed many modern social questions, from 21st-century finance to population control. Taken together, they form a treasury of papal teaching which every Catholic should have access to.

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