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Guide to Morning, Evening and Night Prayer (ebook)

Fr Robert Taylerson


NOW AVAILABLE AS AN EBOOK ONLY. This Guide is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to pray The Prayer of the Church, also known as the Divine Office, Liturgy of Hours or Breviary.

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CTS Product Code: D671Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Category: ISBN: 9781860823091
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This Guide is intended for anyone who wants to learn how to pray The Prayer of the Church, also known as the Divine Office, Liturgy of Hours or Breviary. Promoted by the Church as a Prayer for the whole People of God (not only for religious or ordained), this Guide gets down to the basics of how to use the breviary itself, as well as suggesting how to pray well. It is intended for beginners, whether sharing in community or praying the hours alone. It can be used as a self-tutorial or a workbook for a small group. It will be of value for most English speaking editions of the breviary, or its smaller editions.

Product details

Weight 0.040 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Subtitle How to Pray the Prayer of the Church
Product Format Paperback
Pages 55
Publication Date 2005-01-01