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How to Discover your Vocation

Fr Stephen Wang


What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? This booklet helps answer these questions.

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CTS Product Code: PA13Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , , ISBN: 9781860825897
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This booklet will help you to think and pray about your vocation and become clearer about where God is leading you. It answers many of the practical questions you may be asking: What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? It explains the Christian vocations of marriage, priesthood, consecrated life, the permanent diaconate and the single life and how you can know whether God might be calling you to one of them.

Product details

Weight 0.060 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Subtitle Marriage, Priesthood, Consecrated Life, Permanent Diaconate, Single Life
Product Format Paperback
Pages 96
Publication Date 2009-01-01