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Is Jesus God?

Adrian Lickorish


Here powerful reasoning and convincing evidence to support the belief that Jesus is God is set out using biblical and other sources.

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CTS Product Code: EX57Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , Tag: ISBN: 9781784690977
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Is belief that Jesus is God reasonable? Can someone of good intelligence, open mind and enquiring spirit, acquire, hold and defend that belief today? Here sound reasoning and solid evidence to support that belief is set out. The author succinctly summarises the reasons and the evidence, with sufficient detail to allow the reader to form a view. The arguments presented also offer good grounds to explain this part of the Christian faith to others.

Product details

Weight 0.050 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Subtitle Examining the Evidence
Product Format Paperback
Pages 76
Publication Date 2016-05-08