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Lumen Fidei

Pope Francis


Pope Francis’ first encyclical latter expresses one of the central themes of his Pontificate, that the light of faith must not simply ‘brighten the interior of the Church’ but also serve the common good in the family, in society and in all those who suffer.

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CTS Product Code: DO883Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , Tags: , , ISBN: 9781860828843
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Lumen Fidei, the first Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis comes at the end of the Year of Faith which has been a great moment of reflection for all Catholics on what it is that we believe. The Holy Father issues an urgent call to all the faithful 'to see once again that faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim.' (Lumen Fidei 4)

He continues to express one of the central themes of his Pontificate so far, that the light of faith must not simply 'brighten the interior of the Church' but also serve the common good in the family, in society and in all those who suffer.

This encyclical, begun by Pope Benedict XVI and completed by Pope Francis, concludes the trilogy of letters on the three theological virtues begun by Pope Benedict with Deus Caritas Est on Love and Spe Salvi on hope.

Product details

Weight 0.088 kg
Dimensions 148 × 210 mm

Subtitle The Light of Faith
Product Format Paperback
Pages 56
Publication Date 2013-01-01