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Misericordiae Vultus

Pope Francis


The Holy Father encourages us to reflect on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and to place a renewed emphasis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective.

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CTS Product Code: DO906Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , Tags: , , ISBN: 9781784690656
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From the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has made it his priority to carry God’s mercy to the whole world. The Holy Father encourages us to reflect on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and to place a renewed emphasis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective.  Throughout the world, the faithful will be able to avail themselves in a particular way of God’s “merciful indulgence”  so that “the time of grace offered by the Jubilee Year will make it possible for many of God’s sons and daughters to take up once again the journey to the Father’s house.”

Product details

Weight 0.034 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Subtitle Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Product Format Paperback
Pages 48
Publication Date 2015-05-01