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The Church and World War I

Harry Schnitker


This booklet examines the role of Pope Benedict XV in the efforts to find peace, the role of the Church during the First World War and the Church’s need to look after suffering soldiers and civilians alike.

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CTS Product Code: H514Please refer to this code when ordering over the phone Categories: , , , , ISBN: 9781784690120
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What role did the Church play during the First World War and what effect did the Great War have on the Church? In this international conflict, Catholics were facing Catholics in the trenches, and everyone looked to their own Bishops and the Pope for a response. This booklet examines the role of Pope Benedict XV in the efforts to find peace, the role of the local Churches in the combatant nations and the Church’s need to look after suffering soldiers and civilians alike.

Product details

Weight 0.046 kg
Dimensions 105 × 148 mm

Product Format Paperback
Pages 72
Publication Date 2015-03-01