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The Religion of the Day

Monsignor James Shea, Prime Matters, University of Mary


We are living in a highly religious age. Secular gospels and dogmatic faiths promising salvation are all around us. So what is the belief system that is displacing Christianity as the assumed narrative by which our post-Christian, modern societies live?

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Sequel to From Christendom to Apostolic Mission by Mgr James Shea and University of Mary

"It is possible to do many Catholic things, and yet not have a Catholic mind. This is especially true in our post-Christian age.

It is to be expected. As the ideas that provide the grounding of a culture shift, many people will continue their usual religious practices even as, without noting it, their view of the world is subtly changing. This is not meant as a critique of any individual person. It is simply the dynamic of a time in which the Christian faith is being abandoned and replaced by another very different and quite potent way of viewing the world."

We are living in a highly religious age. Secular gospels and dogmatic faiths promising salvation are all around us. So what is the belief system, the religious vision, that is displacing Christianity as the assumed narrative by which our post-Christian, modern societies live? And what is the religion that we ourselves need to be converted out of, if we are to be fully converted to the Christian faith?

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