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Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus – Saint of the Day – 29th July

Sts Mary, Martha & Lazarus were three siblings who lived in Bethany and who were friends of Jesus. Formerly this feast belonged to Martha, but since the Church now differentiates between Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene, the siblings share the feast.

“I am the resurrection and the life.
If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live,
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

– John 11:25-26

Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus – Feast: 29th July

Sts Mary, Martha & Lazarus were three siblings who lived in Bethany and who were friends of Jesus. Formerly this feast belonged to Martha, but since the Church now differentiates between Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene, the siblings share the feast this year only for the second time. The siblings’ house at Bethany was often visited by the Lord, who encouraged Martha in particular to unite her busy life of work with a life of contemplation. Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, which left the Jews plotting to kill Lazarus. Various legends have cropped up about the siblings, including that they were put into a leaky boat by the Jews at Jaffa, but they subsequently landed safely in Cyprus. It is said that Lazarus became a Bishop, where he served for thirty years before dying peacefully. Another legend tells of the siblings settling in Provence, France. 

Prayer in Times of Discouragement

This prayer is extracted from ou book Devotion the Sacred Heart.

Dear Lord, who said, ‘Come to Me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest’, behold me at your feet, O my God, burdened and suffering but full of confidence in your promise.

O my Lord and Saviour, have pity on me as you had pity on the blind to whom you gave back their sight.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the deaf, whose ears you opened, and on the dumb whose tongue you loosened.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the lepers whom you made clean.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the paralysed to whom you gave back use of their limbs.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the possessed whom you saved from the power of the devil.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the young man of Naim, on Jairus’ daughter, and on Lazarus whom you recalled from death to life.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the multitude whom you fed with bread in the wilderness.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the Apostles in the midst of the storm.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the Samaritan woman, and the Chanaanite.

Have pity on me as you had pity on Mary Magdalen.

Have pity on me as you had pity on the Good Thief on the Cross.

Have pity on me as you had pity on your Apostle Peter when he denied you.

O Divine Heart of Jesus, source of all resurrection, of all life, of all health, of all light, of all strength, of all consolation, of all hope, of all grace, have pity on me.

(Pere de B., SJ)

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