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St Thérèse of Lisieux – Transformation Into Love

Throughout her short, humble life, St Thérèse of Lisieux exemplified her “Little Way”, the spiritual maxim to do little things with great love.

Thérèse of Lisieux: Transformation Into Love

by Jennifer Moorcroft

Perhaps one of the most beloved saints of recent times, St Thérèse of Lisieux’s life was quiet, humble, and very short. In the final years of her life, this unassuming saint was asked to record not only her life but her “Little Way”, the spiritual maxim to do little things with great love. Published only after her death, the profound influence of these writings on the spirituality of the faithful led to her being named a Doctor of the Church, the youngest to date.

For ardent devotees of St Thérèse as well as for those more hesitant in their devotion to the saint, this deeply personal biography paints a vivid and relatable picture of the saint who somehow became smaller and simpler as she grew.

Format: A6 Paperback


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Therese of Lisieux Jennifer Moorcroft

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Timeline of the “Storm of Glory”

1898 – A year after Thérèse’s death, 2,000 copies of Histoire d’une Âme were printed. That print run sold out, and less than six months later a further 4,000 copies were printed. The “storm of glory” had begun.
1923 – At the express command of Pope Pius XI, Mother Agnès of Jesus became prioress for life of the Lisieux Carmel.
29th April 1923 – Thérèse was declared Blessed, and just two years later on 17th May 1925 she was canonised.

God is not outdone in generosity. He had put into Thérèse’s heart the desire to be a martyr, a missionary, even a Doctor of the Church. Her agonising death was her martyrdom…

January 1927 – Her liturgical feast was extended to the whole Church.
14th December 1927 – Pope Pius XI proclaimed Thérèse Principal Patroness of the Missions of the whole world, equal to St Francis Xavier.
3rd May 1944 – Pope Pius XII made her Secondary Patroness of France, equal to her favourite saint, Joan of Arc.
19th October 1997 – Pope St John Paul II made Thérèse a Doctor of the Church – only the third woman, with St Catherine of Siena and St Teresa of Avila, to have this title.

Order Now: Thérèse of Lisieux: Transformation Into Love