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The Transfiguration Novena

On Mount Tabor, Peter, James and John were witnesses to Jesus' incredible Transfiguration, a glimpse of the Divine Presence. Good times to pray this novena include on or before the feast on 6th August, Lent, and Easter.

This blog is extracted from A Book of Novenas.

The Transfiguration – Feast Day: 6th August

On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus goes up the mountain with Peter and John and there appears to them transfigured, in glory. This is usually reckoned to be a glimpse of the Uncreated Light, the divine presence that in the Hebrew Scriptures is called the Shekinah: that brightness which our eyes cannot bear nor our hearts conceive, but is the aboriginal nature of the Godhead, here glimpsed, and promised to us in the resurrection that, at the End, will renew our bodies too.

As well as on the feast of the Transfiguration, the high feast of summer, this Gospel is also read on the Second Sunday of Lent. This reminds us that the glory of new life that comes with Easter is born from the Cross, that we should not think that suffering is the end, or the only thing there is, but that it always points us forward to resurrection, and to the resplendent glory of a renewed creation.

To finish the novena on the feast, you should begin on 29th July; to finish on the eve of the feast, begin on 28th July. The Gospel accounts of the Transfiguration are: Mt 17:1– 8; Mk 9:2–8; Lk 9:28–36.


First Day

In the Transfiguration, heaven and earth meet, humanity and divinity, time and eternity. Give me the grace to see how powerful you are. You are master of the universe. If my prayer is not answered, it is not because you cannot do what I want but that you have a different and better plan for me. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Second Day

The prophet Malachi promised that Elijah would return as a sign the Messiah had arrived. Elijah and Moses appeared with Christ in his Transfiguration. Open our eyes to see how you speak to us in history and throughout our lives. You always keep your promises. Help us learn to read the signs of the times. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Third Day

Peter blurted out the first thing that came into his head, as we often do. Help me to keep a guard on my mouth: not to gossip or criticise, not to be hurtful or rude. Help me also to be careful if I tell other people how they should be living their lives. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Fouth Day

Finally, Peter said, “Lord, it is good to be here”. Give me the grace to be with you and to be glad to be with you, trusting you with my life; to know I am not alone in life; that you love me and have a wonderful plan for me if I trust you. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Fifth Day

At the Transfiguration, Jesus tried to prepare his disciples for the crucifixion. You tell us that if we want to follow you we should take up our cross; but we always hope that the cross will go away. Give me the courage to believe that you carry my cross with me and that it will not crush me. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Sixth Day

In the Transfiguration there is a glimpse of your glory, a glimpse of your divine nature. Give me this grace: to see your power in my life and have a desire for holiness. Help me to believe I will not lose myself if I follow your teachings. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Seventh Day

The disciples who saw your Transfiguration were terrified, but you told them to stand up and not to be afraid. Help me remember this. When life knocks me down and when I am afraid, help me to stand up and walk onward with you. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Eighth Day

Moses and Elijah are living in the presence of Christ in the Transfiguration. All who face death with faith in you will live in your presence for ever. Help us not to fear death. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

Ninth Day

As in eternal life I will see your glory, so at the resurrection of the dead I, too, will be glorified. This life is only a small part of my life in you. Help me to look forward in hope to heaven and to the resurrection of the dead. I ask you especially for [here name your intention]

Our Father – Hail Mary – Glory Be

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