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Everyday Holiness

Discover books that inspire and guide you in living out your faith in every aspect of life.

“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”

– Attributed to St Francis of Assisi

Discover books that inspire and guide you in living out your faith in every aspect of life. Whether you’re exploring your vocation, strengthening your marriage, navigating life’s challenges, or embarking on a spiritual journey, this collection offers wisdom and encouragement. With themes of pilgrimage, evangelisation, and everyday holiness, these gifts empower readers to bring the light of Christ into the world.

The World Needs the Gospel

This popular series from Mgr James Shea shines a light on the state of the world without the Gospel, helping us to understand how to share the gift we have.

From Christendom to Apostolic Mission Monsignor James Shea, Prime Matters, University of Mary

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The Religion of the Day Monsignor James Shea, Prime Matters, University of Mary

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Marriage and Family Life

Married and engaged couples will find much treasure in these books, as well as families looking to help their children encounter God.

Looking Ahead: A Catholic Handbook for School Students Catholic Truth Society, The Association of Catholic Women

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Online with Saints

Online with Saints Fr Michel Remery

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The Church Year for Children

The Church Year for Children Katrina Lange, Pia Biehl

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Cherishing Your Wedding

Cherishing Your Wedding Kerry Urdzik

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7 Words on Marriage Fr Ivano Millico

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Helpful Guides

These books - an assortment of gift-worthy books and thoughtful extras, offer much needed guidance for a life of faith.

Difficult Times

For guidance through life's trials or a deeper understanding of why trials occur, these booklets will be a perfect addition to any gift.

Guidance from the Saints

The lives of the saints can offer great assistance in living the Christian life. These booklets are perfect adult stocking fillers or make excellent little extras with another gift.

Living Fruitfully: Joy

Living Fruitfully: Joy Mgr Paul Grogan

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Living Fruitfully: Generosity

Living Fruitfully: Generosity Fr John S. Hogan

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Message of St Therese of Lisieux Mgr Vernon Johnson

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Message of Bernadette Donal Anthony Foley, Mgr Vernon Johnson

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The Little Way of St Therese of Lisieux St Thérèse of Lisieux

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